chi riceve 25 euro al nero al giorno per raccogliere la frutta, vive in questa casa (v. foto), in un paese il cui consiglio comunale è stato sciolto un anno fa per infiltrazioni mafiose.
Rage, sadness, frustration, inadequateness.
Rosarno, a small coastal town in Calabria. More than 60 have been wounded in clashes among migrants, Italians and police officers.
Rosarno hosts about 1,500 immigrant workers, all of whom work as citrus fruit or vegetable pickers. Interior Minister commented that this situation derives from a too lenient policy “In these years illegal immigration has been tolerated without doing anything effective, an immigration that on the one hand has fed crime, and on the other has led to situations of extreme squalor as that at Rosarno”.
In the Minister dictionary if you look for the term criminal you will then find:
one who gets a 25 euros undeclared pay per day for picking fruits, who lives in these houses (see photo above), in a town where the city council was dissolved last year because of mafia infiltration.
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